Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tumbling Dice

The magician told the children he would tell them the secret of the trick. You see he said if I do the trick fast, and he did, it's too fast for you to see and if you can't see you don't care. Now, asked, what do you think if I do it (he said stretching it out) real.....slow. What do you think? One child said that's boring but another said no do it again we can see better that way and another child said he thought he'd figured it out. The magician waited. Anyone else he asked. I can show you the trick slow, he said, but it's difficult for me to do slow. If I do it fast it's easy for me but not for you. But the kids were bored and the magician did the trick and again and again and again at the same steady speed and the kids watched and rocked forward and giggled too the rest of the afternoon.

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