Monday, March 17, 2008

For the Tux

I think you are an angel, sent to me to atone for the black cat, much like you, with missing teeth and a fucked up eye, that we had put to sleep, that died in my arms after an injection, my best friend Jeff horrified and silent.
I think you are an angel, for taking care of Jenni’s kittens, for following her around the house, to the local temple, to the community center, always at her side.
I just wish you’re learn to get along with the indoor cats. You don’t have to kick their asses on sight, you know!
I like that you don’t photograph. You don’t show up in pictures. You are what is not there. You’re a black cat, with a white spot under your chin, and so Joey Tux, and Mighty Joe Young, too, and Rumiko’s tears.

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