Sunday, March 9, 2008

Loving Cup

I don't know anything special to say about my brother-in-law except that he has never been mean to my sister and he can dance with cats. It is the stupidest thing you ever saw. He can dance with any cat. His cats, your cats, a stray. Any cat. Case in point. Last Christmas we were in my other sister's house in South Carolina and this stray cat, big and long-haired and gray, a real stray but friendly, this cat crosses the creeks and makes towards us, probably wanting some food. Greg, my brother-in-law, asks me do we have anything special to do and do we have some time. I said no and sure and he said OK. He walked toward the cat and cut off its path toward the house. The cat sat down. Greg swayed left and right, slow, looking like he was hunting for something in the dark and getting the attention of the cat. This went on. The cat watched. It just watched. Then the two of them started following my Greg's hand. He moved his hand in the air in big figure eights and they both man and cat followed his hand. Two hours later the man and the cat were jumping together in the yard, in the same places they'd been two hours before. Random jumps, tandem jumps, spinning jumps, jumps to the side and toward each other, some jumps big and many small. Like I say, it was the stupidest thing I ever saw. The whole thing started slow and built and built and went on that way and then both stopped and my brother-in-law stepped aside while the cat went on towards the house. Then we drank beer on the grass until it was time to eat.

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